The story starts with a dream, a bike, and a belief that we really could help change the world with a cup of coffee and a cup of tea.
THE DREAM. For years we had dreamed about creating a watering hole for the community where meaningful life change was central to everything that we did. We talked and imagined and wrote on our white board (that we kept under the bed for late night scheming sessions) about what a company like this could look like. One day Mike came home from work to find Sarah tear-filled at the kitchen table. She had been reading a book by Katie Davis, an 18 year old girl who moved across the world to serve the people of Uganda in a way that made no sense to the world around her. Moved by her faith, she simply acted. That story gave us the final push to launch…
THE BIKES. Our obsession with good cold brew led us to serve up our recipes every week at the growing church that we had launched years earlier- Mike cold brewed the coffee and Sarah cold brewed the tea. Competition would ensue every week to see what would pour more - Mike’s coffee or Sarah’s tea. In 2018, we purchased 2 tap bikes and launched the “test kitchen cafe”. We planted those beauties around town and served up our cold brew, promoting that we would donate the first 10% of every sale back to fight the cause that pulled at our family’s heart the most- bringing an end to human trafficking.
THE COMMUNITY. Since our launch, we have watched our community, customers, and likeminded businesses rally together to join in on the MCB mission. Our shop became a fulfillment to our dream- to create a community watering hole that was impacting lives. We’ve cried with people across the counter, celebrated victories and life events, and developed the kind of community we dreamed about years ago. Now we are excited to expand those that we call the MCB family as we begin selling a retail line of our beans, leaves, and spiced drink mixes, spreading the #everycupchangeslives mission into new places. So many of our customers come from different walks of life. But we share one mission. We all believe that we can help end human slavery in our lifetime.